Since ancient times, winter has brought harsh conditions and sicknesses that can incapacitate the body if not treated correctly. Traditionally, herbs have been used as the go-to source for cold care and immune support. 

In this blog, you’ll learn about the best herbs that calm coughs, help with sinus infections, help lower fevers, and boost the immune system. At Andi Lynn’s, we believe natural plant-based remedies are key to whole-body wellness. We hope that you start feeling better faster with the knowledge found here! Get the Roadmap to Winter Wellness as a downloadable PDF through this link.

What herbs are good for a cough?


Mullein Leaf

This herb has long been used to ease symptoms of bronchitis, calm spastic coughs, strengthen respiratory wellness, and quiet nighttime coughs. Its flowers and leaves have a rich and aromatic taste, and soothes scratchy throats due to its anti-inflammatory properties.


Wild Cherry Bark

Wild cherry bark has traditionally been used as an expectorant for centuries. This natural remedy is used in cough formulas due to its cough-suppressing, mild sedative, and bronchial drying effects. This herb is most commonly used for coughs and opening the lower respiratory system.



Licorice helps reduce inflammation and loosens mucus in the lungs to help clear airways and make coughing easier and more productive. Gargling with a licorice and water mixture also helps ease sore throats and symptoms of asthma. Take licorice at the onset of symptoms to feel better fast.



Hyssop is commonly and widely used as a treatment for the common cold, colic in babies, coughs, intestinal gas relief, and sore throat relief. Adding a few drops of hyssop essential oil to an oil vaporizer and breathing in the steam results in a calming and pleasant remedy to gunk, funk and crud.



Valerian herb helps to quiet spasming and sore muscles that result from coughs that just won’t quit. By relaxing muscles, this herb helps to open airways and allow you to take a full breath by loosening phlegm. It also acts as a mild sedative to help you sleep through the night when sick.


What herbs are good for sinus congestion?


Anise Seed

Anise may have positive impacts on coughs and respiratory illnesses due to its anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that anise seed may aid in blocking bacteria growth that leads to sinus and respiratory illnesses.


Nettle Leaf

Herbalists use this herb for reproductive health, to restore energy levels, to detox the body, and to relieve allergies. This herb is high in vitamin C, folate and bioavailable materials and used to tonify sinus and upper respiratory tract. It allows a proper response to common attacks to the body.



Horehound is an excellent cold remedy due to its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help ease sinus congestion and mucus that overloads the respiratory tract. This herb helps with seasonal allergies and post-nasal drips by draining sinuses and thinning phlegm.



Elecampane is widely used by herbalist as a lung-supporting herbal remedy, and is known to produce benefits for any ailments that involve the lungs. It is shown to be especially useful in the treatment of sinus infections due to its mucus-thinning, pore opening, and drying effects.



Thyme is known to be an antibacterial herb that produces drying effects that dispel mucus. When common attacks to the immune system affect your sinuses, thyme is a widely available herb that assists with the elimination of built-up phlegm in your nose, throat, and sinuses.


Which herbs help with a fever?


Ginger Root

Ginger’s powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties assist the body in eradicating the negative effects of a low fever. Fresh ginger root is an antibacterial herb that assists the body in overcoming cold & flu symptoms. Its analgesic effects also calm coughs.



Chamomile is a gentle, child-safe herb that has been used for centuries as a mild sedative and low fever reducer. Its sedative effects also assist with pain relief and colic in children. Its antibacterial properties assist the body in fighting off illnesses and may help prevent commonly recurring fever.



Elderflower’s diaphoretic (increase in sweating) properties assist the body in ridding itself of toxins and common attacks to the immune system that result in fever. In a cold infusion or iced tea, elderflower makes a refreshing drink that cools the body down from a fever.



Much like elderflower, goldenrod contains diaphoretic and astringent properties that support the body when it’s producing a fever due to viral or bacterial illness. Goldenrod also may help break up mucus in the lungs, resulting in a more productive cough when feeling bogged down. 


Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is another herb with diaphoretic properties that induces sweating to help break a fever. A pleasant-smelling herb in the mint family, lemon balm also helps open sinus and lung pathways when made into a hot tea. Use this herb when you’re feeling clogged up and overheated.


Which herbs boost the immune system?



Elderberry has been used in herbal traditions for centuries to boost immune system health. It has been found to promote healthy immune system cells through its general antioxidant support. Compounds in elderberries block the proteins responsible for an outside attack’s attachment and entry into a cell.


Bee Propolis Resin

Scientists have determined there are over 300 beneficial compounds in Propolis Bee Resin. Many of these compounds are polyphenols, which are naturally occurring antioxidants which fight against attacks and damage to the body’s systems. Propolis binds and incapacitates immune system threats. 



Ashwaghanda has been used for over 4,000 years and has been shown in research to regulate both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Ashwaghanda has also been shown to regulate the nervous system, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a healthy and calm mood. 



This herb has been used for centuries as an herbal supplement to support lung health and optimize immune function. Echinacea is high in antioxidants and compounds called alkamides, which assist antioxidants in reaching molecules that are susceptible to oxidative stress. 



Ginseng is a powerful immune booster and ones of the most popular herbal supplements that has powerful immune supporting properties. These compounds are effective in promoting immune system health against cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and autoimmune diseases. 


Stay healthy with Andi Lynn’s

We’re here to help you be fully present in your seat at the table of life. We hope this informational blog helped you find the best herbs to improve your cold symptoms and feel better faster. If you have any further questions about herbs, email us at Have a healthy day!